Sunday 31 March 2013

When You Know

When you know you do something wrong and it hits you like a brick and your conscience is begging you to relieve itself, you need to do just that. Is it worth holding it in? Ask yourself, who are the five most important people in your life? It's a difficult question, and really it's kind of a trick, if you sit there and think about it, you are already wrong. The most important person in your life is you, you are your number one. So even if you mess up along the way, know that it is possible to get back to being you, because when you know you are your number one, things will become easier.

Reaching into Space

He reached for the stars,
He slipped on the dust,
He believed the wrong person,
And placed the wrong trust.
She leapt for the moon,
She tripped on the curve,
She loved the wrong person,
And they forced her to swerve.
The stars reached to catch him,
They whispered come here,
We'll help you get back,
We'll help you re-gear.
The moon turned to grab her,
It sang in her ear,
I'll help you remember,
I'll help you make it clear.
He felt himself uplift,
She felt the weight leave,
They realized now,
What before they couldn't see.
They were lead the wrong way,
They were blind and couldn't see,
But today they both say,
"I do no wrong, because I am me."

Friday 4 May 2012


Everyone has that one place that they want to see before they die, it might be somewhere they've been before, some place that their family is from or even some fantasy from a dream. In order to get to this place we must travel, and travelling in itself is a journey that we must take seriously. I mean, people take it so lightly in today's world, you just get in the car and go. But look at what you're flying past at high speeds, the beauty of nature and the landscapes of countries. Travel is an awesome thing, let's not degrade it into such a simple thing of technological ability.


The trees whisper,
Their wisdom runs old,
Whether their branches bloom
Or are bare and cold.
They tell of times when we walked
Walked across the land as if
it were scared, but yet
we were not scared stiff.
The oceans roar,
Their power is great,
Whether they lie calm
Or their tempests rage
They speak of times when we swam
Swam in the ocean beside
the creatures of the sea, without
the fear that they would die.
We used to hold our travels dear,
An amazing great expedition,
Yet today travel may seem
as though it is an inhibition.
Listen to the trees and hear
the oceans roar
For maybe if we turn back again
The world again will soar.

Monday 30 April 2012


Ever envisioned yourself saving someone? Making it all better for them and keeping them encased in your arms so that no harm could ever come to them? We all have this idea of heroism, of ultimate strength. This comes from love I think, because when you love someone the last thing you want to see happen is to have them in pain. We all want to be our lover's hero, and that's where "if" comes in, because if only we could keep them safe in our hearts.

If there was Strength

If I could,
I would keep you,
Keep you forever,
Forever in my arms,
My arms would keep you safe,
Safe from the world.

If I could,
I would fly,
Fly like a superhero,
A superhero to rescue you,
Rescue you whenever you've need,
Need me?

If I could,
I would kiss you,
Kiss you like it was final,
Final time for the rest,
The rest of eternity,
Eternity spent with you

If I could,
I would burn,
Burn with love,
Love too strong to be broken,
Broken isn't reality,
Reality would be you.

I will, 
Because I can,
Can keep you close forever,
Forever in my arms,
My arms will keep you safe,
Safe from the world.


It's the taboo of society, the word everyone knows but never talks about. Yet, for many the thought has crossed the mind at one point. We probably all know of someone who has committed suicide or attempted it. Every so often you'll see it on the news, as it is one of the largest problems in Western society. For this reason, we should be paying attention to it. Why do we view tears as weakness? Why are stone features appealing? Boys and girls cry, we feel pain and happiness. If you can't feel sadness then you can't feel happiness either.

Count to 10

One... Two... Three
They've fallen to the ground
Never to get up and walk again
Their spirits never found.

Four... Five... Six...
Blood pools in ending bliss
Never to feel pain again
But their image in my mind does hiss

Seven... Eight... Nine...
Why did the choose to die,
How broken were they inside?
Their memories burnt into my mind.

Thursday 26 April 2012

Being Yourself

Not any really comments for today, other than being you is amazing, because there is no one else in this world who is like you. Out of 7 billion people in this whole world, you are the only you. That in itself is pretty awesome.

I Am Me

It's not about the places you haven't ever been
Or about the places you'll likely never see.
It's not about the class you failed
Or the class you passed with ease.
It's not about the person you were
Or the person you could have been.
It's not about the beauty lacked
Or the beauty never seen.
All that really matters is that you are you
and I am me.

It doesn't matter what they say
On any little story that hurts
It doesn't matter what they do
Although you could be burnt
Because it won't change how it'll be
All that matters is that you are you
And I am me

It matters to be proud,
Of who you are inside
It matters to be smiling,
Even when things collide,
It matters to be unique
In every single way,
Because you are you and I am me,
And it will always be that way.

Tuesday 24 April 2012


To me it seems like a lot of people take nature for granted, or they haven't experienced it. In a city you don't experience the howling wind through the trees or the snap of twigs under rabbit feet or witness great carnivores. In the country, people have all of this and more and they take it for granted. I don't know why people can't see the trueness of nature in all it's sustainability and respect it. I mean, we can't even sustain ourselves at the rate we are going right now. And when we do encounter nature, we act as if it is the strange one, like we own it. This is a factor that needs to change, nature is beautiful, all we need to do is stop and look.


He stares straight through me
From the shining snowy peak
He says not; nor do I
As if I were the passer-by

I see him twitch
Nervous, nervous, I start to itch
He so dangerous stands majestically
I stand shaking uncontrollably

His eyes drip like gold
Visual wisdom as though he's old
I compare not close enough
I barely breathe but to puff

Then he moves on
His light so bright had shone
Though to him I meant not
As so much better he hast caught

But, Oh, Sir Wolf I thank thee
For even appearing just to me
You, not beheld by much others
Nature is now too my mother.

Monday 23 April 2012


So this one is kind of related to my last post but in a way it's a bit different, irony has it that different was what the point of this one anyway. Anyway, I've always known that people are different, I mean, how can you not be? Everyone was raised different ways in different landscapes, environments, families, cultures and lifestyles, so why is there a push for everyone to be the same really? If you think about it, the kids that everyone labels "weird" are really the brave ones who aren't afraid to let who they are show right? In my opinion, even though they don't make the best decisions for themselves, they really don't care about everyone else thinks and don't conform so they should be respected. After all, doesn't everyone want to be confident in themselves? 


What would happen
If a lion lost its roar?
And what would happen 
If a cheetah lost its speed?
And what would happen 
If a sheep lost its curls?
Or what would happen
If a giraffe lost its height? 
Would the others all exclude it,
and make it go away,
Because it wasn't perfect
Or would they let it stay?
Do animals have better judgment,
For unfortunate differences
Hopefully they aren't like humans
For the different we only diss