Friday, 4 May 2012


Everyone has that one place that they want to see before they die, it might be somewhere they've been before, some place that their family is from or even some fantasy from a dream. In order to get to this place we must travel, and travelling in itself is a journey that we must take seriously. I mean, people take it so lightly in today's world, you just get in the car and go. But look at what you're flying past at high speeds, the beauty of nature and the landscapes of countries. Travel is an awesome thing, let's not degrade it into such a simple thing of technological ability.


The trees whisper,
Their wisdom runs old,
Whether their branches bloom
Or are bare and cold.
They tell of times when we walked
Walked across the land as if
it were scared, but yet
we were not scared stiff.
The oceans roar,
Their power is great,
Whether they lie calm
Or their tempests rage
They speak of times when we swam
Swam in the ocean beside
the creatures of the sea, without
the fear that they would die.
We used to hold our travels dear,
An amazing great expedition,
Yet today travel may seem
as though it is an inhibition.
Listen to the trees and hear
the oceans roar
For maybe if we turn back again
The world again will soar.